Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I was so emotional!!!

Last Friday was UN Day at Reed's school for the kindergarteners. When you have 10 classes for each grade you have to spread things out! Anyway, I got there just in time for the beginning of the parade, I could hear the bagpipes as I was walking up.

As Reed's class marched by I could see that he was looking for me, he smiled so big and waved when he saw me, I'm SO GLAD I made it in time! I thought he looked great in his Don't Mess With Texas shirt. I got a tiny bit choked up watching them all walk past but then I was fine.

Until......they all were sitting down in a big group. They started singing a song that I caught most of with the video part of my camera. In case you can't quite make it out, they are singing hello in many different languages. Stick with it and in the middle you should be able to hear them pretty well. I could barely keep from crying, my chin was quivering and I was so glad no one was trying to talk to me as I would not have been able to speak. It was so moving. Here are all of these 5 and 6 year olds celebrating their home countries. Most are not from Singapore so they are from all over the world living far away from home. They are not prejudiced against each other, they don't make fun of each other, they just play and learn and have fun together. (At least that is my experience with my 5 year old boy, I sure hope the girls aren't dealing with fights already, they have a lifetime of that ahead of them they don't need it now.)

They are all just so precious and innocent and I wonder why that has to change. Why can't we just accept each other with all of our differences and look out for one another so that we can all live happy and fulfilled lives? I had no idea that a simple UN Day would affect me like that but it did. Hope you enjoy the pictures. :) Love and Peace to all!!!
***Have tried for an hour now to upload the video, will try again tomorrow as it's so sweet to watch......***

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