Thursday, October 9, 2008


Ok, it's starting to sink in that I live in a tropical climate. I'm not complaining, the lush greeness (is that a word?) is beautiful and we can lay by the pool year round which has always been one of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon. However, I do miss the once in awhile days in Kansas and even Texas where you walk out and realize it's only getting to like 78 or 80 degrees. You take a long walk and enjoy the cool air. Yeah, that doesn't happen here. About 10 minutes before a storm and 10 minutes after you do have that cool air, but it's not a long period of time and chances are if you are enjoying it, it means you either are about to get rained on or you just did.
Most places of business, restaurants etc. keep the A/C on full blast so it's like walking into a movie theater in the middle of summer, you want a sweatshirt with me. I can only imagine how cold Erin will be when she comes to visit! And you see a few people with some type of sweater that they carry around for that very reason. I don't as I'm so hot from walking that I welcome the cold air. What is crazy though, is how many people here wear jeans, sweaters, long-sleeved shirts and sometimes even jackets. I sincerely do not understand how they do it. I see them walking down the street just like me, I'm in shorts, a sleeveless shirt, flipflops and a towel to wipe the sweat off my face. They are strolling along in jeans and a jacket. There must be something medically wrong with them, don't you think????

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