Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's been a good day....

There have been plenty of days that I have read an email, a blog entry or a FB status of one of my friends or family and felt a pang of jealousy that I was not in the US. Today, it's my turn........
We started the day at breakfast here at the hotel. Jeff went off to play golf and I took the kids to the Kid's Club for the day right about 9:00AM. I laid by the pool and started the book "The Host." It was really hot so I got in once or twice to cool off, finally heading in to shower about 11:15. I went to lunch (must say the food here has been just ok though that may be because I am on an island in SE Asia and I don't like seafood or Asian food......) and then headed off to my spa appointment. I had a 30 minute coconut body scrub followed by an hour oil massage and then an hour facial. It was heaven. Got back to the room just about the time Jeff got home, we watched some TV and then headed off to get the kids and took them down to the wonderful beach here. We played in the ocean awhile and it started to rain lightly. We were enjoying the cool breeze that came with it when all of a sudden the downpour hit. I must admit the hard rain hurts on sunburns.....
We finally made it back to our room, soaking wet. Everyone got showered and we relaxed for awhile before heading back to the bar. Jeff and I got a drink and the boys danced to the "band," a girl and a guy with a guitar, really more like bad karaoke than a band but that's ok. The kids had a blast dancing, I caught some of it on video, hope to upload it here once I'm back in Singapore. We ended the day up in the dining room for dinner. I had very low expectations at this point and was more than pleasantly surprised that it was Mexican night! So good food to end the day. Now, all 3 of my boys are asleep in the next room and I may get the entire king bed to myself!!!! :)


Dennis/Dad said...

Sounds like a great day for you and the kids. Will reserve judgement on Jeff's day since I don't know how the golf course was or what his score. Glad you are having a good time.

Erin said...

that is awesome. i am jealous!

Anonymous said...

I am very jealous! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Sorry about the sunburn though...